A Visit To Hardees

    A Visit To Hardees

    I ran to the grocery store today to get some onions for the homemade spaghetti sauce I'm making for dinner, and the trip took me by a Hardees restaurant. The guy behind the counter was obviously on his first day. Let me try to recreate the experience for you ... The...

    An American in Germany: Day Six (Zweibrucken)

    An American in Germany: Day Six (Zweibrucken)

    Zweibrucken translates to “two bridges,” and is a city about 15 minutes south of Schmitshausen, near the border to France. It’s a small town with some attractions of a larger one. Specifically, they have one of the largest and most beautiful Rose Gardens I’ve ever...

    An American in Germany: Day Five (Saarbrucken)

    An American in Germany: Day Five (Saarbrucken)

    The first thing we did was visit the local garden shop (Hanns Gartnerie), where I finally bought my very own German gnome. I christened him Gordie.  Gordie the German Garden Gnome. He’s colorless at the moment, but not only is he a bonafied German gnome, he’ll be a...