cover-150 Book Reviews floweth left and right.  And all are flowing with praise for my new re-edited book, “Follow The Money.”  I’m flattered by all the nice words and copious love, and now that there’s a little buzz about the book, I only hope that it can live up to the meager hype.


    Excerpt from Elaine Smith, ReviewTheBook :

    With sharp wit, and bold characters in capricious circumstances, this reader finds herself quickly turning pages to follow the twists in the tale. Personally, I laughed out loud at the copyright page, a most unexpected place to find clever humor. And being from Texas myself, and knowing folks similar to the characters in “Follow the Money,” I can guarantee they are authentic in description and action. From Sammy with the mullet haircut to the beer-guzzling Wally (whose lights are on, but…) to the red-hot grandmas—yepper, these folks exist…and they’re usually good for a lot of fun!

    Bold—sexy—realistic yet imaginative—and, oh yes, quite hilarious, Cavins has delivered a very entertaining read.

    Each story tells a quirky, hysterical tale about where the money goes. The author, Ross Cavins, gets an A+ for creativity.  How he manages to connect all of his ideas into one book, I will never figure out.  The only thing that comes to mind is that he randomly opens a dictionary and chooses topics from the words that are on the pages that fall open.  I love this aspect of the stories, because nothing is predictable, except that the money will soon end up in someone else’s hands.  As the stories progress, things seem to come around full circle, demonstrating the interconnection of all things in life.  This of course is not always a good thing though.

    I am truly glad that I didn’t read “Follow the Money” in a public place because my inability to hold in my laughter would have strangers assuming that I am in serious need of some kind of psychotropic medication.  I highly recommend this novel to people who enjoy a good, laugh out loud adventure, and who are not offended easily!


    Excerpt from Stephanie Snowe, author of “Meeting Mr. Wrong.” : (a hilarious book I will tell more about soon)

    Ross is master of weaving a set of stories together. As a writer, I literally have no idea how he did it, but he gets a gold star for creativity. I don’t think anyone else could have made Peanut Butter Cap’n Crunch, a light-up Santa, a stripper, and a television evangelist work. But he did. The book really does read like a novel and it was so satisfying that I literally had a huge grin on my face when I finished the final chapter.

    Only one small warning, for the faint of heart among us. This is a grown-up book. Lots of sex, drinking (sometimes while driving, which we here at Stephanie Snowe: The Blog! do not condone), and language. It works well with the story, just wanted to make clear it’s not one for the kiddies. My daughter (age 12) looked longingly at it (as she does every new book I bring into the house) and I told her, “When you’re a little older”.


    Excerpt from Charline Ratcliff, :

    Cavins does have very good writing skills. While some of the characters portrayed in his stories were lacking in their thinking and/or communication abilities neither of those things were an issue for Cavins. I definitely found “Follow The Money” to be a unique read. Yes, it is a collection of short stories but each tale is connected to the prior one. Once you realize this, both the title of the book and the beginning quotation, take on a newfound meaning. Each story is off-the-wall and a little on the wacky side. While Cavins is no George Carlin he is a humorous writer and you will enjoy his book so long as you enjoy a cynical look at life and idiotic people.

    For the women out there who don’t really enjoy a male oriented book I suggest picking this one up for the guy in your life. “Follow The Money” will travel with him when he inevitably disappears into the bathroom for thirty minutes under the pretense of “using the facilities.”

