Fat Chance

    Fat Chance

    This short story was originally published at hackwriters.com in October 2007.  Can’t you just feel the cynicism?     I was once on a reality TV show where the contestant who lost the most weight won the prize money.  I never saw so many fatties in one...
    The Other Twin

    The Other Twin

    This short story was published at hackwriters.com in October 2007.  It is based almost entirely on a true story.   IT WAS 1968, a summer of love, and so it was with Martha and Odell.  They had three girls, the youngest at sixteen months, and another child on the...

    A Plate of Happiness

    I WAS ONLY THERE for lunch but when I saw her for the first time, I knew there was a higher purpose.  She was wearing what all the other waitresses were, a pair of black slacks grayed from too many washings with a white dress shirt and pair of black shoes. ...

    Don’t Use The Kleenex

    (They're for company)  MY DAD.  What a character.  He was full of these little gems of wisdom when I was growing up.  Hold a door open and you get … What are you trying to do, heat the outside? Or its summer counterpart, You trying...

    The Cat

    from an unpublished collection, Fireside Tales of Jamestown ——-An homage to the king of horror, Edgar Allen Poe——- I HAD A CAT ONCE, when I was young.  It was black as a moonless night in the country with snow white paws. ...

    Monkeys Pushing Buttons

    WILLIAM JOHNSTON AWOKE Friday morning a different man. He didn't know it yet which made it all the more surprising to him. But he'd figure it out, in time. That's the way it always works.        The first thing he did that...