by Ross Cavins | Sep 6, 2007 | Blog
It's the beginning of September and I have already seen three Halloween stores open on the route I take to work. Three stores that sell nothing but Halloween costumes and Halloween accessories. Doesn't this seem a bit much?I remember back when... by Ross Cavins | Sep 5, 2007 | Blog
Among the many number of things I did wrong with my two wives, I did a great many correct. It takes a lot to make a marriage work and outside forces are always working against you. From your jobs threatening to steal your time to bills stealing your money... by Ross Cavins | Sep 4, 2007 | Blog
Nascar is the biggest sport in America, believe it or not, and its roots originated here in the South. Illegal moonshiners in the mountains would spend their time and money on fast cars so they could outrun the law during transport. And over time, the... by Ross Cavins | Aug 28, 2007 | Blog
I have a legitimate question: What type of person buys the mid-octane gas? In America, we're sold three octane levels of gas at the pump; 87, 89 and 92 (or 91 or 93). I grew up always buying the 87 because my Dad would say, "It works just as... by Ross Cavins | Aug 27, 2007 | Blog
I've got an idea for a game show, and only in America, the land of the TV zombies, could this work. I call it "Old Clothing Roulette."Contestants would bring clothes to the studio from all years of their adult life, along with their high... by Ross Cavins | Aug 24, 2007 | Blog
I know this seems to be a recurring motif, but in my younger years, I wasn’t too swift. Oh sure, I had my IQ points and I did well in school, but I was severely lacking in common sense. There are all sorts of things that I could blame like a late-blooming...