dre-cubeYeah, you heard me right: Dre not as good as Cube.  I overheard this the other day out in public.  I don’t know about you but I didn’t need to hear any more.  What witticism can you follow this up with anyway?

    Any actual conversation that follows would be pale in comparison to one you could imagine.  This is as classic as saying Coke not as good as Pepsi.  Or Ford not as good as Chevy.

    Dre not as good as Cube. 

    What makes this statement even more amazing is that the conversants weren’t referring to rapping.  They were alluding to the acting abilities of Dr. Dre and Ice Cube.  Rap music wasn’t even mentioned once.  These two wannabe-B-roll-actors were compared to on a thespian level.

    Dre has starred in such gems as Yuletide in the Hood, A Cool Like That Christmas, Whiteboyz, Set it Off, and Training Day (an actual movie).  With the exception of Training Day, these are some Oscar-worthy films, huh?

    But on the other hand, Ice Cube … now there’s an actor.  He’s got that angry-black-man thing down pat.  With such winners as Boyz in the Hood, Friday, The Players Club, Anaconda and Barbershop under his belt, he can’t be touched.  Seriously though, he had some pretty good roles in Three Kings, XXX: State of the Union, Ghosts of Mars, and Are We There Yet?.  Then you have the requisite sequels … Next Friday, Friday After Next, Barbershop 2 and Are We Done Yet?

    But let me throw a wrench into this whole quandry …

    What about Snoop Dogg ?  Consider Training Day, Bones, Starsky & Hutch, Soul Plane and Hood of Horror.  Not to mention the Porn video he had.  He did porn for Christ’s sake!  That’s got to put him up there in the argument somewhere.

    And how about Shaq ?  He’s rapped with the Foo Fighters and starred in Blue Chips, Kazaam, Steel and Freddy Got Fingered.  And he’s richer than all the other three put together.

    Check this … The Wash … has Dre, Snoop and Shaq … but not Cube.  Whoa.  No wonder it got a 3.4 out of 10 on IMDB.

    I think I’ve gotten carried away.  The main point to remember is that Dre’s not as good as Cube.  You remember that and I guarantee you’ll sleep well tonight.


