Holmium Laser Lithotripsy or (Kidney Stone Blaster!)

    Holmium Laser Lithotripsy or (Kidney Stone Blaster!)

    This past week, I had my bi-annual kidney stone attack.  Only, this attack was a culmination of a bunch of small attacks that have happened over the last few months. It finally got to the point where I couldn’t keep anything down (read: upchuck) and I decided to...
    Rogaining My Life Away

    Rogaining My Life Away

    I’ve done it.  I ordered the generic version of Rogaine.  Minoxidil is the magic ingredient and it promises to restore my masculinity. I know the negatives.  It’ll make my scalp itch.  Maybe even dry it out some.  It may not work even for me.  And if it...
    Our Old Food

    Our Old Food

    Old people like to eat certain foods that no one else eats.  Or at the very least, foods they are stereotyped to eat because it’s a dying food.  Like them. I’ve always wondered why certain foods follow generations and then disappear.  Then I wonder, what...
    Rudolph Sends Wrong Message

    Rudolph Sends Wrong Message

    The Original Rudolph Booklet The song of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer dates from 1939, when the Chicago-based Montgomery Ward company asked one of their copywriters to come up with a Christmas story they could give away to shoppers as a promotional gimmick.  Robert...