Milfs Abound

    Milfs Abound

      Stacy’s Mom – Rachel Hunter. MILF.  A term I believe was made widely popular by the movie American Pie .  It means Mother-I’d-Love-to-Fornicate.  The F doesn’t really stand for fornicate. When I was sixteen, I had a thing for MILFs.  I...
    The Blind Date From Hell (pt2)

    The Blind Date From Hell (pt2)

    I pulled up to Becky’s place in my Mustang and lightly tapped the horn, as she’d asked me to do.  I waited.  And waited.  The house wasn’t in the best part of town which should have tipped me off right there but I’m an eternal optimist. I...
    The Blind Date From Hell (pt1)

    The Blind Date From Hell (pt1)

    It was the summer of ’91 and the first time in my life since I’d began dating that I found myself alone.  I just came off an engagement break-up and had met a girl at college who went home for the summer.  She would eventually become my first wife seven...
    My First Date

    My First Date

    Everyone remembers their first date.  It’s a special experience that you never forget.  Like your first real kiss.  Or your first car.  Or your first computer. My first date was with Angela Smith.  We were both fifteen and went to different schools. ...